Elric the Naked
Elric the Naked
Elric the Naked

Playing With or Without Mods

user image 2022-10-18
By: Joshua Law
Posted in: Valheim Tutorial
Playing With or Without Mods

How to Turn Off and On Mods

We use a modpack on our Vanilla server just to have some security features in place to keep our online community safe and fair. This doesn't mean you HAVE to use mods. In fact, you can pick and choose which of our recommended mods you would like to use or not use. 

To disable the use of any mod, simply click the button toggle to turn it off. 

Screenshot 20221017 210427.png

You will not be able to connect to the server if you disable AzuAntiCheat or FastLink. These are required.

WARNING: There is a bug in Thunderstore that doesn't allow you to turn it back on sometimes. If this happens, you may have to reinstall the mod manually through Thunderstore.

Playing with Unapproved Mods

If there are certain mods that you enjoy playing with, that still follows the Vanilla feel, please reach out to Dazed, Elric the Naked, or WildCherry through Discord. Give them the name and if you could a link to it in Thunderstore, and we can approve it. 


@admin 2 years ago
love this!